“Naturally you'd want to say 'I'm just motivated'. But I don't think I genuinely am. That's where you fall back on discipline.” - Rachel McArthur

What is your pre-race ritual?
The only thing I do consistently, is the night before a race; I always have some sort of chocolate bar.
What is your favourite meal after a workout?
A burger! As well as a smoothie or some sort of fruit because I always crave sugar.
What's in your race bag?
A stretch rope, an elastic workout band, headphones, extra socks, gloves, chapstick, Cadence electrolyte packets, trainers, sunglasses and my spikes.
What got you into the sport?
My older sister ran track in middle school so I just copied her! I also played soccer (and did ballet but that’s not relevant), so playing soccer led me to competitive running eventually.
What does Daily Discipline mean to you?
Whenever someone asks me how I stay motivated daily, I always say I’m really not. I’m just disciplined because I know what my end goals are and what it takes to get to them. Motivation is fleeting, discipline is something you can really count on.